Rays beef bugger on comfort meal .
Well beef Bourguignon , but good ol winter comfort food.Brisket joint , cut into large ( huge) lumps .
Smoked bacon lardons
Shallots , left whole or cut in half depending on size
Button chestnut mushrooms , cut in half or left whole dependant on size .
Carrots , big fudging lumps of them .
Two large garlic cloves , smashed and cut .
500ml red wine,burgundy.
4 teaspoons brandy.
Good quality beef stock
Tom puree
Couple sprigs of fresh thyme
Chopped fresh parsley
Bit of ground black pepper
Flour , for thickening.
Put wine/stock and puree in the pot .
Fry up lardons , add onions,garlic,mushrooms then add to the pot .
Brown the meat with pepper to taste then add flour and add to the pot .
Bit of fresh thyme n parsley,stir and cover and put in the oven at 160.
You gotta keep stirring that meat about every half hour and it's gotta be done in the oven . About 5 hours cook time on average . Keep an eye out and take the lid off if necessary to get the sauce to the thickness you prefer . Add a couple of knobs of butter and stir in before serving .
Excuse what it sits in .
Should end up full on extremeflavour and simply served with crusty bread n butter .
Simple n very tasty on these colder nights. Do you sell it online? That looks great, where our invite? Unfortunately nope . Love this time of year though with stews , casseroles and such and would much rather do this than my day job. I should mention that pearl onions are much better to use in this rather than shallots or just ordinary white onions . Unfortunately they had none at my store last time out , hence the shallots.