Micro Pubs.
Simple as , Micro Pubs are very popular selling real local ales , cider and Wine from local suppliers in your area and or supporting small brewers of real ales , craft beers , cider and wines.If you have a local Micro , you can support great local brews at a great price. I live in the Kent ant my local Micro is £3.50 a pint.
So just a thread for your local Micro pub in or near your locationthat we want a be drink and a chat with , yup us older folk who want a good beer and good chat about beer .
So my poor start as I'm gonna ask members to search .
The Malling Jug . West Malling Kent . Best Micro in my area with waitress service from gravity fed barrels in a perfectly cooled enviroment. Perfect ale for one to choose their taste.
Will link but only just opened . Have a gander on Facebook or Tripadvisor. We have a micro brewery in Doncaster called The Brewery Tap. It's holding a beer festival this weekendCAMRA rate it. We have a lovely micro pub in Beverley, Chequers.
Opened in 2013 and has been winning CAMRA awards ever since 
This is the bar (all of it)
It's been both a hairdressers and a hydroponic shop in its previous lives, I think the premises has found it's true calling now. Hmm I worked in Scunthorpe for a year and we may of visited this at weekends. Was also a great lil pub in Scunthorpe that specialised in real Ales ( micro pub style ) and real food , braised steak and chips went down very well indeed. I visited a local micro brewery last night and it was fantastic, very basic basically a bar area knocked up in the brewing warehouse, what a great little place, great craic with 20 or 30 people who were there, woodburner fire and the ale was out of this world. I think I've found a new local
Steam Machine Brewing Company https://www.avforums.com/attachments/dsc_0046-jpg.1084434/ https://www.avforums.com/attachments/dsc_0055-jpg.1084435/ https://www.avforums.com/attachments/dsc_0057-jpg.1084436/