Beef Jerky - Brand Choice..
Looking to purchase some (other than the average supermarket stuff).Had some amazing tasting Jerky over in the states (can't get it here).
Any recommendations for good quality (low in all the crap stuff (sugar/fat etc) Beef Jerky? Can you get Jack Links readily over here these days?
Iirc the jalapeño variety was amazing Not sure.
Just ordered a whole variety of flavors from a company called Billy Franks.
Will see how that pans out. How did you get on with these, I ordered some recently following a recommendation, and i am really disappointed, the taste was good, but they were just too dry and not pleasant to eat. They’re in the mail.Will report back in a week or so  I like Kings, been buying it in box loads from Lidl recently There's a Lidl near me so i'll try that.
Had a few packets of these from Billy Franks.
Not too bad.Very thin pieces. Not as good as the stuff I tried (can't remember the brand now) over in the states a few months back mind.
Got some crazy flavors mind. Cheeseburger Beef Jerky 