Looking for a ceiling mounted pull up bar
Hi all. Having not been in the gym game for a few years now, I’m wanting to get a bit of strength and shape back. I think the best all round single piece of equipment is the pull up bar, so looking to pick one up for the garage to mount to the joists.Can anyone recommend a decent one? This one by Barbarian. I've got the wall mounted version. Brilliant. I bought this one in the end and really pleased with it.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/GYMCOR-CEILING-MOUNTED-COMMERCIAL-QUALITY/dp/B00LV8AES8/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=gymcor&qid=1556627347&s=gateway&sr=8-1 just saw this thread now 
as I would have suggested a set of these, tho, you could still buy a set (given the price) and you can do so much more, I did front and back levers, dips etc, but never mastered the false grips (and the muscle up as a result of that) before I moved house...
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gymnastic-Exercise-Crossfit-Gymnastics-Sundried/dp/B071YHVPP6/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=gymnastic rings&qid=1559050097&s=gateway&sr=8-2-spell I couldn't agree more. Waiting for my rings to be delivered..
Shame I ordered then when drunk because I've got no where to hang them... I used the beams in my old garage...I've have space in the loft but very limited... you you got a tree with some decent branches? I’ll hang them for you in my garage.  No garage, no space or place in loft and no to the trees too! I've been reading my brain able how inventive can I get... Think the best I can do is off a pull up bar... Trouble is my main pull up bar indoors is a doorway one so not over stable in the case or the rings moving.. plus very limited in height... Very kind offer thanks mate No problem at all. Let me know when you want to send them and I’ll give you my address. 