Aloe Vera 9 Day Detox - Aloe Vera Juice?
Hello,Currently know one person whose completed the 9 day aloe vera detox and another who's on her third day of the detox.
Had a little look into it myself last night and to me it looks like a bit of a fasting diet whereby you replace a conventional meal with a protein shake/aloe vera supplement and it flushes all the 'toxins' out your body and helps you lose anywhere between 4lb and 14lb!! 
It costs around £100 so seems quite a lot although I can see the benefits if you want rapid, temporary, weight loss for a holiday or something?
However I've had a look at just Aloe Vera Juice and it seems to have quite a few health benefits. I'm already eating healthy at the moment and doing exercise 5/6 times a week so the weight should come off eventually. The Aloe supposedly detoxes the body, boosts energy levels and gives you stronger, healthier hair and nails (if thats your thing  )
Think I'm going to order one of these... vera juice
and try it for a month and see how I get on. Will most likely stick it in my protein shake.
Any thoughts / past experience with Aloe?
Mark The stronger pill form is VERY good for preventing fits in Epilepsy!
Rob Not had any experience with it, but personally I would treat it as 2 completely separate things.
These diet fads don't work.
Ok, dieting does work, but it wouldn't matter if you had aloe vera or lettuce leaf. Both have similar nutritional value when it comes to dieting of next to nothing.
The thing that is helping you lose the weight is the 'not eating' part.
By all means take aloe vera as a medical health aid, like cod liver oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin c and every other pill out there.
Have a good healthy varied diet and that should be all you need.
However if you have a medical need for it (like IBS) then use it.
Think I will bring out a slipper diet. Its where you only eat one meal per day and smack yourself over the head with your left slipper. its great for losing weight. The liver and kidneys should be able to flush out all the toxins by themselves.All that will probably be flushed out is water weight which will soon go back up when eating normally again.
If someone want to try it as part of their normal diet then go ahead but I wouldn't do a fasting diet where it is the only thing consumed. Just a quick update from me.
I've not gone on an aloe vera diet/fast but have started having 2 x 25ml shots of aloe vera juice a day. Can't say I've noticed any dramatic changes like some people claim but I'll keep taking it for now as I've got another 1ltr bottle to go through yet  as nwgarratt said, the majority of fad diets all result in weight loss because you just lose water. they are not sustainable. If you want to lose weight, make sure your diets in check. i:e you're eating the right things but not great big portions, and throw in some exercise. I don't really see the merit in many of these detox things. It doesn't really make any sense to me.
If we actually needed weeks of detoxing, the people who didn't do it would be keeling over. Likewise if we had 14lbs worth of toxins floating about  I think I need a digital detox at times...  Hi Arcam_Boy
Just came across your message, I think the aloe vera diet you mention is the one called Clean 9? It's got aloe drinks and things like garcinia in which do the fat-burning part? Think the aloe is just for cleansing rather than weight loss. Anyway, have heard good things. Facebook has some info worth reading. I know they do a money-back on it so it's probably an ok plan? I did the lemon detox a few years ago, what a con. I lost a bit of weight, but as others have said, it's because you don't eat anything! Weight soon went back on when I started eating.
Don't waste your money is my advice