Be interesting to know the costs people have paid. I am -5.25 in one eye and -5.5 in the other Back in 2000 i paid £1400 to Optimax (£700 for each eye) but I imagine prices will have gone up since then. My prescription was -9 and -12 (ie very short sighted) but have almost perfect vision now with no issues. One of the best decisions i have ever made in my life  Best money I've ever spent having it done.Paid £4000 I think or just over for both eyes at Moorfields Eye Hospital, the best eye hospital on the planet.Had it done in 2011 and have had better than 20/20 vision since, my optician a few months ago was really surprised at how good my distance vision was.No problems in low light or at night, so glad I did it.I was -3.5 in both eyes before and still remember waking up the morning after and thinking WOW! I can see!! 
I heard that if anything goes wrong with laser surgery, they send you to Moorfields to fix it, so I figured I'd go there first, you only get one pair of eyes so give them the best..