Delvey Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:23

I do remember a thread on here a while back about another member who has Laser Eye surgery. IIRC, his pupil size was too big, and the procedure should not have been done. They ended up having permanent halos.
Be interesting to know the costs people have paid. I am -5.25 in one eye and -5.5 in the other

psychopomp1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:24

Back in 2000 i paid £1400 to Optimax (£700 for each eye) but I imagine prices will have gone up since then. My prescription was -9 and -12 (ie very short sighted) but have almost perfect vision now with no issues. One of the best decisions i have ever made in my life 

KeirW Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:25

Best money I've ever spent having it done.Paid £4000 I think or just over for both eyes at Moorfields Eye Hospital, the best eye hospital on the planet.Had it done in 2011 and have had better than 20/20 vision since, my optician a few months ago was really surprised at how good my distance vision was.No problems in low light or at night, so glad I did it.I was -3.5 in both eyes before and still remember waking up the morning after and thinking WOW! I can see!! 

I heard that if anything goes wrong with laser surgery, they send you to Moorfields to fix it, so I figured I'd go there first, you only get one pair of eyes so give them the best..
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