psychopomp1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:07

Strange feeling after eating junk food

First of all to make it clear I WILL be seeing my GP very soon to discuss this but in the meantime thought I'd ask others if they've been in the same situation.

I'm male and 41, over the last few weeks I've noticed that after eating a high fat or sugary meal, I get these strange sensations inside. I initially thought it was just heartburn but after taking some over the counter meds they didn't make any difference.

I do cardio almost daily (either 10k on the C2 rower or 3 miles on the Bowflex treadclimber indoors), however up until recently I have foolishly assumed this gave me a licence to literally eat whatever I want LOL. My BMI is 26 so could do with shedding some weight, fasting blood sugar is between 5 and 5.5 mmol (I check this every few days d/t mum having diabetes type 2). Total cholesterol is 6.2 (mmol?) which I think is borderline high and this was flagged up in a recent pre-employment medical. Anyway I've come to my senses and cut out eating junk food 5-6 times a week (whilst still doing daily cardio) but on the odd occasion I eat a cream cake or have a bag of chips or a can of coke, it causes strange sensations inside my chest. Best way to describe them is mild tickling near my breast areas.

Wonder if anyone else has experienced such sensations after eating unhealthy food?

psychopomp1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:08

Just to update this: I saw the Doc last week and he said I'm fit as a fiddle.....pheeew. Blood sugar came in the normal range (despite my constant paranoia) and total cholesterol level was slightly high but he said I have a high proportion of "good" cholesterol in my body so shouldn't worry too much. But he did stress that i should go easy on the carbs and not eat too much saturated fat. He was of the opinion that I'm simply getting heartburn after eating junk food so has prescribed me some meds which hopefully I won't need to take frequently if I sort out my diet.

Showoff Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:09

Im going to guess it was omeprazole he prescribed you, or some other form of zole?

Could be lot of things, but you’ve done the right thing seeking professional advise.

psychopomp1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:10

Yep, he prescribed 20mg omeprazole (once a day medication) which I'm hoping will do the trick.

Showoff Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:11

Omeprazole is fine, but not recommended for long term (1yr ) use. Check out the side effects.

Your doctor is definitely the best person to advise you on your medical health.

Certainly more so than a stranger on the internet. But if the “mild ticking” ever turns into serious agonising and intense pain, that comes on and gets worse over 20/30 minutes and last about 1/1.5hrs before subsiding, it’s worth pushing your GP for an ultrasound scan, looking at your gallbladder for stones.

That’s my long distance, internet based diagnosis. 

tvmcp Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:12

I gave up omeprazole, as it was causing side effects that made me think I had a form of Alzheimer's setting in.
I'd just give up the junk food, it's called junk for a reason!

psychopomp1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:13

An update: I ended up taking Omeprazole for only a few weeks after which it went in the bin. After i lost some more weight and began eating junk food less frequently, now I get no such feeling on the odd occassion that I do treat myself. Sometimes a change of diet is far better than going on meds long term 
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