deantown Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:51

Dead fly in food

Just got home from Golf and had a Ginsberg Cornish Pasty for my lunch. Unfortunately half way through eating it I cut into the pasty with my knife and a small dead black fly was lying there on a piece of potato. On the wrapper there is a phone number to ring if you need help, I rang the number and got an answer phone message  I’m no wimp but I’ve felt sick ever since. I’ve taken a photo as proof of said fly. Should I keep the half eaten Pasty and the wrapper it came in? In case Gingers want to see the evidence. Not impressed.

deantown Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:52

Ginsters pasty, that should read above

Hillskill Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:52

Reality is mass food production must yield all sorts, most of which we will never know about. Collateral damage for the food companies to apologise to the odd customer here and there.

Chillie6 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:53

May be it was the meat.

Seriously I would keep it until Monday. You should be able to get through then.
My daughter is a dab hand at complaining. Not often have they asked for return of the faulty product (talking food wise).

rousetafarian Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:53

I once half swallowed a yeast fly when drinking a dark beer from a dark bottle, think it was a Guinness import - always use a glass for dark beers now

busterbenny2001 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:53

Imo the fly probably improved the pasty, how they can call those things pasties is beyond me, I’d ditch it and learn my lesson not to buy them again!

John7 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:53

Probably more protein in the fly than the rubbish "meat" they put in them 

aVdub Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:53

Bad quality or not the producer has a duty of care to ensure all products reach the consumer in a satisfactory and safe way.
Stick it in an airtight bag and pop into the freezer and contact them when they have humans on the phone as the wrapper should contain details of batch and times produced.
It may be an issue in production that stopped now might avoid someone else becoming seriously ill later.

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:54

As said, retain the product and wrapper. Also jot down where an when purchased. I would also contact the store too.
I work at a food factory and like any other, we try our best to keep pests out. Closed door policy, fly killers, strip curtains, contract pest control services etc... However the odd fly does get in the factory. It's uncommon to get packed in the finished product though.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:54

There will always be some chance of this happening.
Many years ago that would get ignored.
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