Tough guy/Mudder?
Has anybody ever done a tough guy/mudder?Entering one next year just wondered what training people did to prepare?
I currently play ice/roller hockey a couple of times a week, commute to work on bike and do some freeweights a couple of times a week...... just need to do more I think!
Rob I've done the 12 mile Tough Mudder and a 5km Spartan Sprint so far.
As for training, mine didn't go to plan at all for various different reasons and my running ability was way below par. I wasn't worried about my upper body strength for the obstacles at all but I knew I'd struggle covering the distance as I'd only ever run 3-4 miles before so I just slogged it out and made it around.
For me, the rest of it was pretty easy so my advice is make sure you can run  I'm thinking about doing a 5k spartan race at some point yet have pathetic upper body strength. How important is upper body strength Desmo? Thanks for the reply Desmo, I haven't started running yet going to wait til the weather gets grotty and run round the field I back on to. Maybe even do some resistance stuff if I can find a sled on eBay (more for hockey tho).Was it hard to complete or just do in your own time kinda thing.
Rob The main obstacles it comes in to play are things like berlin walls, rope climbs, carrying sand bags, etc. The berlin walls did have two versions where one had mini steps and grips to climb over or you can attempt the standard one. They're both 8ft high.
Anything you can't manage to do usually carries a forfeit of 30 burpees so you could manage the entire course without any upper body strength at all....just make sure you're damn good at burpees 
Of course every course layout is different but I wouldn't say I've come across anything so far obstacle wise that has given me any real problems. You can do it at your own pace and in your own time. The only exception being that they do clear the course at a certain time so if you're a real straggler you'll get kicked off. A team of us took around 3.5 hours and that was with a bit of walking towards the end as I was getting some serious calf cramp that I just couldn't shift. Cool thanks for your replies bud. Always fancied doing one kinda a bucketlist thing whilst I'm young/fit enough to do it.
Rob Don't worry about being young and fit, there were plenty of all ages there 
Doesn't matter how old you are, if you want to do it you'll find a way. A few dates have been released for next year so may bump in to you guys along the way  i think were doing next september in leeds, but I might enter a tough guy beforehand just too test myself before humiliating myself in front of work colleagues haha. check out RockSolidRace | Rock Solid Race | Obstacle Racing Challenge in Devon its not until next March but will be its first year going
also like them on facebook at RockSolidRace | Facebook
(can you tell they might have just given me a job)
but aside from that i am off to the Spartan Race in the Midlands in a couple of weeks really looking forward to that one