captainarchive Publish time 26-11-2019 04:59:47

Quick question regarding food processor

I'm going to make some Mexican chorizo and the recipe, which is a US one, calls for mince meat and looking at the images the mince is much finer than we get here, it's almost like paste. If I used a food processor with the normal blade attachment would that do the trick?

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:59:48

Yes  food processor is very poor for making a coarse mince because it tends to turn it into a paste, ie just what you want.

captainarchive Publish time 26-11-2019 04:59:49

Thanks. I only use a processor for chopping veg. Once I tried to make pastry using flour and butter but didn't get anywhere because the butter floated on the flour. I ended up doing it by hands plus having to clean the processor.
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