Arcade punching machines
I would be really interested to hear from anyone that regularly has a go on the arcade machines, whereby the punchbag pops down and you smack it as hard as you can and it "supposedly" tells you how hard you have hit it.Bit of a long story, but I had a try on holiday and noticed that I was hitting a good 100 points less than most of the other people having a go.
Whilst I am no boxer, I knew for a fact that I can certainly hit pretty hard and should certainly not be hitting less than the perceived average.
Manhood destroyed, I did a bit of research and have found lots of information that suggests that these machines are particularly bad for those individuals that can hit hard and straight.
It never occurred to me, at the time, but everyone else seemed to be punching slightly down on the ball, whereas I was punching as if I were punching another human (i.e. through the ball).
Suddenly, things started to make sense - the way the ball swings back and up is completely unnatural.When you punch most things, in front of you, they absorb the below and move immediately backwards.
By my punching straight, I was losing lots of power as the ball moved up and away from my hand.
I have even read some accounts of martial artists and UFC fighters that got lower scores than people half their weight, because they were also unaware of this bit of physics.
There are also video-clips of people slapping the ball at just the right point and still getting incredibly high scores.
It would be great to hear from anyone that has cracked exactly where to hit the ball for maximum effect or perhaps any physics buffs that might be able to theoretically predict exactly what the best strike place might be. I'm pretty sure these machines measure speed and not force. A taller person punching down on the ball will likely generate more force, as would a more technical puncher.
Besides, anyone with any kind of fight training value their hands and tend to avoid these like the plague. Leave it for the beer gutted muppets with ego problems. Very intelligent answer - I agree I should just let it go.
Annoyingly, I did mess up my wrist a bit, anyway. never done one before, but I would have assumed it would be best to punch upwards slightly - say 5-10 degrees? Exactly what I thought.
If the punchbag were removed and you just had the pole, you would (considering it is just a lever), push forward and slightly up, to get maximum purchase.
However, every thread I have read seems to suggest that, in reality,punching downwards is better.
I wonder whether the fact that the ball is round is somehow throwing that all off. this definitely needs to be in the health & fitness forum...  I would have thought the drink section haha I have another query about the best technique for Splat the Rat - I shall start a fresh thread for that  i was thinking more retro gaming section....  Good call - I am going to ask to have it moved, if possible.
Does give the impression that my idea of a workout is nipping down to Southend for the evening.