Cross Trainer advice?
Hi all,Just looking for some advice. I'm thinking about getting a Cross Trainer, and have been looking at Reebok ones on Sports Direct, but I am kind of confused which one to go for. I can't seem to find out which is the best one out of the TX1.0 and the TXF3.0.
Please could someone that understands these things give me some advice. Even if you aren't familar with these particular Cross Trainers, perhaps checking out their info will make more sense to you than it does me. Any help would be much appreciated! The txf3.0 is higher spec (Bluetooth etc) and is probably a better machine if it will get regular use. The machines are big though so you will need space to fit it in. Thanks so much for the reply, Wardy257 . I also wanted to mention that I heard something about incline adjustment. in regard to Cross Trainers in genereal. My question is, do you think this will be possible with the txf3.0? I know it's got different resistance levels, but is this the same thing? honest advice - it will be a clothes hanger inside a few months.
Just check your local facebook market/gumtree for people selling the things.
For £5/600 - spend it on 12 months at your local gym. It's different. The cross trainers with incline I have used just increase the range of motion. It's a gimmick really. Cross trainers are quite limited and most people soon get bored. indeed - it takes some serious discipline to routinely workout at home, I can't do it myself...besides I like going out to the gym 