Filshy564 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:23

Workout advice

Hi folks,

Just signed up so here goes, im a 44 yr old male from glasgow and i suppose for most of my adult life I've had a very stop start relation ship with fitness and to be honest i don't think I've ever stuck anything long enough to really notice a difference, until now. I recently around 3 month ago purchased a spin bike for the house and i cant get enough of it, im doing 45 min routines every other day which i enjoy bit they are difficult, so that led me to start thinking i should be doing something for my upper body, so on my days of from spin I've recently started doing a 30min dumbbell workout that also incorporates push ups andplanks. I guess what im asking is do you think what im doing is enough and properly balanced to make a real difference to my fitness and body shape? I always seem to have this feeling of doubt that im not doing enough or im not doing the correct routines. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Kailash Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:24

3 sessions a week is plenty i think, up to one hour. if you do more it is a bonus. gradually you will start to tone up and feel better for sure.
you are doing the right thing by mixing the exercise up, legs , body etc. i do some cycling and on another session some dumbells/core like you
you'll probably go mad at it for a while but it will become a chore eventually  it will always reward though when you do push through the urge to sit on your arse rather than go for another session. like me last night i seriously DID NOT want to go swimming but did and felt all the better for it.
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