=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:57

I'm limiting my cardio on purpose. It is winter, time to gain mass and thickness. Come spring, I will get my bike out and start climbing hills on regular basis again.

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:58

I wanted to do the whole measure / weight / body fat at the gym today, but forgot a pound coin , I'll do it next time. Weighted myself at home and it seems to still be going up


reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:58

wow, you're gaining a lot of muscle very quickly... 

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:58

I get the smily. Of course it's not all muscle sadly. Muscle and fat, but I'm not worried about the fat at this point. It's all about the size at the moment. I can see I'm growing. Comparing to what I looked like at the beginning to what I look like now, there is a big difference. My strength went up by a lot too. That's why I want to measure the body fat (I wish I have done it at the beginning too) to treat is as a base / reference for future. It's all about strength and size at the moment. Later I will be adjusting my diet and workout to burn more fat and to maintain the muscle mass. Now, it's all about the shocking the muscle as much as possible. As they say, you gotta get chubby to get big. If you eat like a squirrel and train like one too, you cannot expect to get big.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:59

check this video out too..

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:59

Thanks. He talks sense, but I'm not sure if I'm really his target audience.

Anyway, I'll know more once I check my body fat percentage.

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:59

Looks like I have no choice and need to start limiting my carbs intake. My snoring got really bad recently and we both can't get good sleep because of that. I get into deeper sleep, start snoring, she wakes up, kicks me, I wake up... and that continues through the night. I will start limiting carbs from today and see where I'm at after a couple of weeks. I will also check body fat after today's training to keep it as reference.

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:59

How do you know carbs are making you snore?

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:56:59

Fat is making me snore. Need to limit calories a bit

My overall body weight is getting a bit high.

Also I want to see how easy or hard it will be for me to shred some body fat. I know that I can gain weight very quickly. The question is, can I also shred it quickly. I want to try before I get too heavy.

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:00

Yes, as I suspected the BF is a bit too high. Time to get that fat old guy on a bit of a diet

I have also upped the intensity of my workouts. Left the weights heavy but shorten the rest periods. Sweating like mad
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