klr10 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:13

Man-made C02 = 4%

OK, not wishing to start a massive flame out. Heard 'on the radio' that the C02 contribution from human activity is 4%. How true is this? Just where do these figures come from? How accurate are they? If true then I'm not convinced we are going to be able to do anything to change the climate. If false, why does anyone want to falsify the statistics? Help me here....

LJx Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:14

man made climate change is a load of BS,The Sun controls our climate, man is insignificant
These greedy scientists just carry on with the crap so they can keep getting their grants and live the high life

DPinBucks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:15

4% of what?

Amdahl!!! 's a name to conjure with.

DPinBucks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:15

You wouldn't care to quote the references to the research papers you consulted to reach that conclusion, would you? Without them, I'm having a bit of difficulty confirming your assertions.

Oh, and you might like to read this thread (all of it) to put your ideas into some form of perspective:


robh2002 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:16

I couldn't agree more with you DPinBucks - the above statement is probably the most ignorant thing I've read this year! Scientists living the high life indeed...its a job and earning a living just like everyone else.

Oh, and by the way this is a forum about reducing carbon footprints...

TESLACOIL Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:17

ill be honest

Im not sure why people like Sweat feel compelled to make such daft and angry comments...do they just parrot what the leaders in their lives say
(y i know that's a bit deep..but i think you get my drift)

wasn't it only a few years back we were talking about greedy oil barons profiting from denial of climate change...wonder what sweat has to say about that

yours totally clueless

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:18

First off The Sun gets Tony Blair elected and now this......//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif

TESLACOIL Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:19

at a guess id say 4% is about right as our part of the contribution

a swing of a few % of whatever global thing you are measuring tends to get buffered by the earths and its natural systems

imagine a giant pencil balanced on its tip ....randomly swaying in the wind...if you apply a small but consistent pressure on one direction it will eventually tip and fall

the earths climate and ecosystems behave in exactly the same way

when all the stars align ...as it were ....you dont just get X change for X input

u get X times X change....a dramatic shift to a new balancing state

this is why me must be so careful not to let the power we yield " in terms of climate change" slip beyond our ability to alter course

in the future we may have to activley dedicate large amount of mankind's total effort into creating global warming or global cooling ....in order to keep the earth in a zone we are happy to live in

nature will eventually take the earths climate somewhere we don't want it to anyway....so we must LEARNtake control of our ability to alter the global climate....or perish

this current global warming thing...is a wake up call....regardless of who or what is causing it

**** happens.........climate change happens....todayor in 1000 years or a million years time we must act or die

this is the lesson geophysists have known to be true for decades......

just like astronemrs tapping us on the shoulder and telling us about killer rocks from the sky in the 1990's

our knowledge of the universe may preserve us .......ignorance will be our undoing sooner or later

DPinBucks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:20

Dead right!!Ignorance and stupidity are still capital crimes.

roscopervis Publish time 26-11-2019 04:29:21

Man puts about 29 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually, and rising.

What else puts that much?

Look at the carbon cycle and work it out. Only the biosphere and the oceans can pump that volume within the time periods we are looking at.

Have they?

Nope, in fact, despite deforestation, the biosphere has absorbed more than it has emitted and so too has the oceans, although a warming ocean reduces its CO2 absorbing capacity.

And don't say volcanoes, cos they emit about 130 million tons of CO2 annually.

Look at the carbon cycle and try and see how the original statement cannot possibly be true.

There is one addition to the carbon cycle that isn't natural, and that is man.
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