Loft and roof insulation questions....
Hi allJust a few questions regarding loft and roof insulation.
If I get a company in does the loft have to be emptied before they will do anything?
My loft is boarded but the insulation is crap so wlll they lift the boards and replace them or do I have to do that as well?
Can insulation be laid around spot lights, I have a few dimmers in my bedroom that are in the ceiling.
Can the actual roof be insulated? My roof tiles are visible, can they lay insulation over these?
thanks all Question one, Ask the installation company.
Question two, Ask the installation company.
Question three, No the fixings need to have ventilation.
Question four, Is that a serious question or a typo? in question 4 do you mean they are visible from the inside? I think he may mean there is no roofing felt underneath his tiles...
Dave I would be very suprised if they lifted the boards.
If you have to do that , then you may aswell lay the insulation yourself. Actually if you get the 5ft rolls, the ones that are always 3 for 2, they install themselves as they "unroll and puff up" in your loft Dont know if your still up for this or not, doesn't seem to have had much activity lately. 
1) It's more than likely you would at least have to empty the loft of your junk, boxes, old bit's and bob's, a quoted price is usually just for work they normally do!!
2) As has been said, if you need to lift the boards yourself, do the job your self, it is straight forward enough and cost effective!! 
Are your boards in good condition, if they are, there is no reason why you cannot have them re-used!!
No, highly unlikely an installation company would drop good stuff on bad, they will probably clear out all the rubbish fill for proper disposal. 
Be aware though, loft insulation is now recommended to be at least 270mm thick, with board's down how much space will that take from your available working height, could you still stand up in it, worth checking for the sake of your head if nothing else. //
3) As has been quoted.
4)Yes, you can get insulation for the roof itself although it is not as you intimate in your post as the same or similar to what you put between the joist's?
If you have a look at this website, Roof Bond Roof Insulation by the original Roofbond ¨C Rigid Foam Roof Insulation it has a four minute video that shows their product in action sprayed onto bare roof tiles, it's like a coat of expanding foam, the website gives all the detail's of what the job is all about, definitely worth a look? 
No prices available though for obvious reason's, different roof styles etc, but nothing stopping you from enquiring?
Hope this help's a little, if the company quoted doesn't operate in your area, there are other's, just google roof insulation into your search engine, that will bring up quite a few more?
Best of luck mate.  Two week's and no response, can only assume the job's a good un then? 