Have you compared your energy usage?
Has anyone here used the web site EnergyAverage.co.uk to compare their gas and electricity bills?I used it yesterday and for our home our gas usage was about average but our electricity bills were higher than the average, which I was kind of expecting it to be with 2 teenagers. The site says it compares similar homes but I wonder if I am comparing our home with homes that are not so heavy users of gadgets, unlike all of us AVForum users.
For a detached house with 2 adults, 2 teenagers, 3 32"LCD's, 3 computers, xbox and playstation not to mention constantly charging mobile phones, doe £95 a month on electricity seem high to you for the winter months ? Probably about right with all the TVs, computer etc.
For info a 'phone charger is about 500mA at 5V. That's 2.5 Watts. I unit of electricty is 1kWHr (1000 Watts for an hour), so you wound need to charge a mobile for 400 hours to use just one unit. Looked at another way, it would take 24 'phone chargers to use the same as a single 60W light bulb. It is always difficult to tell how much energy people are using when they quote the cost per month/year etc. - do you have the kWh usage per month?
Having said that £95 sounds like a crazy amount to me - nearly £1200 per year just on electricity! I'd imagine it would be possible to reduce this considerably with some work.
As I have posted before our household halved our electricity by replacing aged and failing white goods with the best A new ones and we always turn off everything when not in use (even phone chargers!). Crikey, my entire energy bill: gas c/h, water and hob, electric everything else, no power shower, for a 4 bed detached with 2 adults and two messy boys in it is about £1100 per annum, split almost exactly 50/50 between gas and electricity.
That's about 5600 kWh in electric per annum, 17000 kWh in gas.
I replaced all the light bulbs in the house with energy savers - bar the ones in the oven and fridge, that, and being assiduous in turning stuff off when not in use, reduced the electrical usage from the previous year's 6300 kWh.
Our gas usage went up a tiny bit over the Winter compared to last year, mainly because it was much colder from last December to mid-March this year.