My annoying house!!!
 my house 3 years ago, 3 bed Terrace house with double glazing. front of the house is always cold in winter due to sun at the back (lounge and my bedroom) so first year I got loft insulation.... still cold so 2nd year i put window drought strips.. Still cold so now i have got Gaffer tape and taped all windows gaps and frame... Still cold
So now i am thinking of glazing film kit, has anyone used this stuff? I think i need new windows but cant afford it so thinking of this kit instead.
S Cavity wall insulation? yeah sounds like a good bet to me silver backing behind rads ,keep curtains closed were no sun is coming in,heavy curtain across front back doors,do you have any airbricks in the walls if it's an old house close them up and fit co2 monitors.Have you a cellar as cold coming from there will not help. Please don't block up air vents and put in CO monitors if you have open-flued gas appliances. Just contacted tesco and British Gas who will visit my home for a Wall Cavity consultation..
Shocked Tesco do this.. £198 extras like scafolding if needed. Cheaper elsewhere. You can get cavity insulation for free nowadays due to the Goovernment's "Green" drive - I had mine done free and was also offered loft insualtion (turned that down, too much hassle) Loft Insulation Costs | Cavity Wall Insulation Costs Secondary cavity insulation is a bad idea, especially on walls that face the prevailing weather. The air gap is there for a reason.