PV solar panel producers.
I have been looking at getting solar panels for our home but keep getting conflicting info from different people. Does anyone have experience of or knowledge about this industry.I have been told that ALL solar panels are made in China.
But I have also been told that chinese panels are crap.
One salesman told me his panels were from a Japanese company but constructed in Germany. Obviously I would prefer these if it is true.
I was also told that the companies offering free panels worth 12k will only supply to maximum roof spaces ( I think I was told 4kw). I was quoted 15K for a system less than half this size......... so am I correct in assuming that the prices I have been quoted are way over inflated..?
I have been told that the following companies are good-
PERLITE- apparently Chinese
Ying LI - Chinese
KYOCERA - Japanese/German. Save your money for something more useful; You'll be long dead before they ever pay for themselves. You don't know how old I am !!!
For a 10K investment I will get up to 25K back over 25 years, with the banks paying crap interest and the stock market all over the place this looks like a rock solid no brainer investment AND i get cheaper electricity for life. It doesn't matter. You could be a teenager & I'd say the same.  Do you have facts and figures to back this up, I would be genuinely interested if you did. My ISA s are losing money hand over fist so im thinking just cash them in and invest it in solar. It just seems a far better investment for the same time scale as an ISA. He is a rabid anti climate change fanatic who doesn't even bother to check that regardless of whether global warming is happening, the scheme to fit solar panels does look like a guaranteed return and well worth it if you have the capital to invest.
Can't advise on specific installers or panels, but the scheme and returns do look pretty sound with a government backed return. Does look good with the feed in tarriff, 41.3 pence per kw 
I can see why everyone wants a 4kw system 
Feed in tariffs - Generate your own energy - Energy Saving Trust
The Navitron site is a good source of information:
Solar Panels - Photovoltaic Solar Panels & Solar Water Heating Panels
Mark. I would say first off that you spend money ensuring that your insulation is top notch before you start down this road.Always better to spend money reducing your running costs as a first option.IMO
While the system may pay, you have to wonder about the sense of Governments paying huge amounts for electricity which is freely available at a much lower price.I know about all the commitments to renewables etc etc, but in a harsh economic climate, is it a really safe investment, bearing in mind we normally consider Government assurances as not worth the paper they are printed on? Well apparently the government don't pay much towards it, energy companies charge a little more to subsidise the feed in tariff was how it was explained to me. I would say for a quality solar panelmanufacture the best ones would be :
All come with quarantees up to 20 -25 years
There are other makes / brands but you can't go wrong with these but may be a little more expensive !