help setting up owl monitor please
hi all,missus got one of these free from m&s connected it up last night but having a bit of head scratching setting it up properly 
all i know at the moment ....going off the meter is i'm on rate 2 0030/0730 GMT..
how do i find out what costs, information etc to input into the monitor so it's set up correctly?
can anyone give us a few pointers?
cheers. The costs per unit will be on your leccy bill . Its been a while since I used the owl. But it wasn't that hard to set up following the instruction. thanks....
do you remember if the rate 1 and 2 are automatically selected by the monitor?
cheers You have to set it , the monitor knows how much electricity your using, not how much it costs . Have you tried the manual. There wasn't that many buttons on it iirc. There is only 3 on my NPower one ...found the manual pretty unclear really....just explains how you make changes to the settings...not what you should be inputting into the thing?
......once i've found out what our costs per min are from a bill i'll try again.