Look at China & India
People will breed irrespective
The more kids you have the more it costs you Educate women and provide opportunities and the birth rate will drop Spoken like a true man  Actually spoken by someone who's seen the stats.  So should men not be educated or shall we shift the blame because we are not a breeding vessel In (most) societies with the highest birthrates, men are educated for longer than women. Provide women with education and opportunity to use it and the birthrate falls. A lot of women are now delaying childbirth till later on in life so you could potential see a dip in the birth rate following by a baby boom A lot of women in the western worlds are delaying childbirth. They aren't going to all start popping out 4 or 5 babies in the late 30's / early 40's.
Have a look at World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Of course, the French, being French, like to buck the trend, bless 'em! 