Stuart Wright
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:20:28
I get the feeling that generally if people had a spare £10-£15k and intended to live in their current property for 15years and it has an appropriate roof and they care about the environment, they would be swayed by the green element of getting solar panels and the current promises of large energy price rises and would be more likely to go for it.That's quite a lot of 'ifs'.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:20:29
Spot on, and too many for me I think.Going to run the numbers on this vs using the money on the mortgage, just to see how bad it is 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:20:29
We have set the ball rolling and are getting some quotes. First indication was £12k for a 4kw monocrystalline system. Subject to survey; they are coming round next Wednesday.
This is the company:
Renewable Energy Solutions Provider Solar PV & Thermal, Wind Turbine & Heat Pumps Installers UK
I will get three or four quotes and surveys, and then start haggling (if we decide to do it of course - it's 50:50 at this stage).
I'll update the thread when the first survey has been completed.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:20:29
12K for 4 kw sounds a bargain to me TBH ( unless maybe prices have dropped considerably since I had mine last year. Check where the panels are made aswell - insist on Japanese panels..
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:20:29
Well, I think they are Hyundai Korean panels, but definitely monocrystalline which I believe are better than the polycrystalline ones (or so I have read).
What panels do you have?
And why are Japanese better?
Remember that the £12k was just some guy on a phone and is subject to survey. I have done some research and expect to pay more than that to be honest.