Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:46
25 years ago you could buy a nice house for £20,000
you put £20,000 in the bank now and it will be worthless in 25 years
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:47
I believe the feed in tariff is not funded by the government but by energy providers themselves. They charge a small amount extra to all households and this is what funds the FIT, this had to be agreed with the government.As only a small number of houses have suitable south facing roofs then this system will continue to be self funding. Also the FIT option will cease in its current form from next year.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:48
Haven't read the whole thread but here is my view.
The free option:
free daytime electric (estimate ~£300) a year
no maintainace
maybe a sticky point if you decide to sell (buyer might not want them, new mortgage company might not allow a leased roof)
lease for 25 years, break clause is too much.
Buy outright:
No contract
Maintainance cost
reasonble returns, index linked.
To me, it is either buy outright or nothing.
Tied up in a roof lease contract link to yor house for a little gain does not wash well.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:48
that's what you sell back to the grid, but hopefully you will have timed the washing machine/ dish washer to come on in that time
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:48
I'm not being funny mate, but is there that much sun in Aberdeen? The impression I get of it (one visit when it snowed and a few Stuart MacBride novels  ) is that it rains a lot up there and not much sun.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:49
Bit of a myth.
Aberdeen weather's nowhere near as bad as the West Coast of Scotland.
Here's some rainfall stats for you (2010)
Aberdeen 790mm
Oxford 660mm
Camborne 901mm
Eastbourne 720mm
And we get longer days than England too.
Sunrise/Sunset Aberdeen today 0513/2116
Sunrise/Sunset London today 0529/2044
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:50
Interesting  Yes I'd totally forgotten about the longer days of sunlight factor. Solar panels aren't about temperatures are they, it's all about sunlight.
My house is South facing but I don't think my roof space is enough so I'd only be able to fit a couple of panels.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:50
My house is South facing, and I believe I need 70 square metres of roof.
I've yet to bother even doing rough measurements though.
I figure if across the road can manage it, I should.
Even though our house is a different shape, I would be able to clump them together better than he has.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:51
Everywhere on earth has pretty much the same number of daylight hours over a year.
Of course the further south you are the higher the sun is so better for solar panels.
Mr Incredible
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:19:52
Keeping it in the family......