(I changed the , to a . in the second quote, to make it read right)
So, during a recession the UKs emissions go up.Which surely indicates that there are realistically no effective measures in place to reduce or even only stabilise our CO2 output.That should please all those who are convinced that MMGW is just one big conspiracy to screw everyone.
I think I heard on the french news that France's emissions were slightly higher than the UKs, which isn't terribly impressive as 85% of electricity here is nuclear.But I suppose France does still have a fairly serious manufacturing base, to help explain away the high total.
But the consequences are we are going to find out if the scientists are right a lot sooner than anyone previously reckoned and we have probably no chance at all of limiting any damage that we may do. I think we've got more pressing economic problems to worry about than a trace gas essential to life. October wasn't all that cold to be honest and the sun was out at the start of the month.Hurray to global warming  No point fixing the economy if it all goes to hell sooner than expected.