LEDs offer a brighter future, says report
I found this recent article interesting...BBC News - LEDs offer a brighter future, says report
I knew they were efficient, but I wasn't aware they were 90% more efficient than incandescent bulbs. Yup, and what I've been saying last time talking about bulbs, they will eventually replace standard bulbs. What should be looked into next are replacement for 500W halogen and street lights.
Most of standard bulbs energy is heat, not light. That heat has to come from somewhere. But they need some PFC (power factor correction) in their supplies to save more energy andnot pollute the national grid as more and more are used. Biggest problem with LEDs is the light generated by the white ones depletes the ozone layer 
(wink) I've used quite a few LED bulbs in our house and they are great. I have them lighting our kitchen work top, our landing, my study and the toilet in our en-suite. They give of lots of light, no heat and I'm burning 100W instead of 700W! It does ??? how ?? You missed the spoiler text on the second line   I was wondering the same, the spoiler does not appear in the App
More sun today Dave, get the dishwasher on !