Wild Weasel
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:50
i was out looking at wood burners today.
the sales dude told me the lining the chimney depends on its age and construction and would recommend we had it looked at first. he said most DO require the lining and cap etc. but every now and then some don't.
for a small 4kw stove, with lining and install two places have quoted us between £1400-£2000 fully installed. (based on a £700 stove)
we're chewing on it
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:50
Thats half of what i was quoted - i reckon he may be trying to pull a quick one on me...!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:50
Useful tip: The glass doors tend to get a little coated with tar after a while. They clean up fine with some make up removal wipes. Better get permission first though. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:50
I'm getting another stove install soon , I was wondering if there was much point to the additional cost of insulating chimney?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:51
Here are a couple of useful (there's loads) FAQ:
Chimney liner UK - fitting flexible chimney liner, chimneys UK
Advice & FAQS - Topstak Chimneys, Fires and Stoves - Cowbridge, South Wales
As regards insulating a liner, I believe depends on the type of chimney. Large old brick built on an external wall would benefit, whereas small terracotta internal may not.
I spoke to my Buildings Control officer, and a building regs notice would cost me £204 (its base on the retail cost of the installation).
I have been quoted just under £1000 for installation only of wood burner and supply & fit of liner.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:51
I've had a wood burner installed since 2009 - its great!
I went for the Aga little Wenlock, what a great little stove. My house was built in 2005 and was told no need to line the chimney in a modern home and to be honest I totally agree, could not expect better from this stove. The cost was £600 for stove accessories and £250 fitting. We have it on most nights burn pine, birch and compressed wood chip logs.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:51
Currently just looking/enquiring , initial guestimate is about £1000 for all work plus cost of stove.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:51
Spoke to Building control officer today regarding building regs notice ( if I dont go the route of HETAS installer ) , cost would be £408 .
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:52
Just a couple of pics showing where we are up to with the install , hoping it will be finished later this week.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:52
Doesn't it look small in the big fire-place!
Two questions, what is the power rating of that particular stove and how much do you expect to pay for firewood?