FZR400RRSP Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:38

Energy saving G4s

Anyone running energy saving G4s in their kitchen downlights?
The wife likes to leave them on all the time, for looks.
Might as well try and save a few quid.
I don't want any brighter than 10w on the 'old' bulbs.

jenam93 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:39

Not yet but have been looking into them a bit. I am looking at ones that are a flat disc so the light shines one way only whereas a lot have the diodes all around which would be a waste in downlighters.

Have replaced my gu10s with white led, just cheap ones from Ebay, and one of the usual energy efficient bulbs with a eco daylight bulb and really like the bright clean feel to the light.

Makes the usual energy efficient light seem really dirty in comparison.It did take a while to get used to the difference in light styles though!!!

jenam93 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:40

These ones:
6W GU10 White LED Light Bulb lamp AC 85~ 240V | eBay

Only 4 quid a throw delivered so thought they were worth a gamble.

They are the white ones (I guess towards a blue light), as opposed to the warm white (which is more towards a yellow light).

I'd not hesitate to buy these again and will point out I have no affiliation with the seller, just being a happy buyer 

tonyrees687 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:40

Thank yougonna give them a try seems like its half price from anywhere else  ordered 10 at £36 white light   free delivery.   Thanks

John Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:40

interesting, are they really 60W equivelent ?

jenam93 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:41

Probably not, but what really is?

The lumen output is 430 which will be a fair bit below a 60W gu10.

I am happy enough with them though and that's all that matters for me.

One reason I wanted to try the LED option is due to a standard gu10 exploding and sending glass fragments flying everywhere!!We, that's myself, wife and 2 young kids, had finished dinner and left the table about 2 minutes before this thing popped.The Mrs and I were finding glass shards all over the place for days and she would no longer turn the light on until the light fitting itself was replaced and won't have standard gu10s in the house at all any more......

John Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:41

but am Ok with £4 bulbs from HK 
Or do they have the relevant kite/CE marks ? in which case i take it back 

Funnily enough, I have just had to replace a GU10 that failed and had cracked the glass, had never seen that before. And I have a few of them.
That particular bulb has been in for years

jenam93 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:41

No kite/CE marks but the thing with the usual GU10s is they run so hot, whereas the LED ones are a lot cooler.

John Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:41

I appreciate that, But you have swapped a certified, tested, millions sold item for a £4 untested, uncertified import from China, on safety grounds.
I would imagine they are as safe as the ones that are sold with the required testing. No doubt they are made in the same factory.
I wonder where you would stand if your house burned down in an electrical fire ?

jenam93 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:41


I am willing to take the risk on the cooler 'burning' LED after the spectacular way the original exploded though.

Also, it was not just safety that lead me to try the LED ones, we have energy saving bulbs in just about all other light fittings, other than the G4s.
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