dspit1664 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:15:57

Solar panels are they really free?

Have heard many an ad for what is per ported to be free solar panels. Surely this is too good to be true else everyone would want it right  ?

Matt_C Publish time 26-11-2019 04:15:58

You misheard; they're saying the SOLAR is free 

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:15:59

They didn't cost me a penny  the contract came with a stamped addressed envelope 

Of course I did have to sign it in blood and indenture my soul to the devil for 25 years...

dspit1664 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:00

Can you tell me more ?

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:01

A solar company fit panels to your roof and don't charge you any money. In return, they require you to sign a 25 year contract stating you'll keep them in place and operational so that the company can claim the lucrative Feed in Tariff payment. For your trouble you'll have access to an amount of free electricity whilst the panels are generating during daylight hours.
It's not a con but you have to be careful as some people are being refused mortgages on property that have rent-a-roof solar panels in place so if you're intending to move in the near future then you may have trouble finding a buyer.

There would have been many companies offering free panels when the higher FiT rate was in place, probably not so many now.

dspit1664 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:02

Hmm I can't remember the companies name however a company did call, note I called them to book an appointment, and tell me that it would cost me ~4-8k depending on what type and number i had.

So from what your saying this was a dud i.e. they should have not been quoting a £ cost to us right ?

And again

Very interesting that a perceived value of free energy / green energy has given some (and I know this is IMO/discussion not official right  ) problems with selling houses / getting mortgages. Don't tell you that in the small print then...

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:03

£4-8k would have been to purchase a system outright, same as I've done. That way you would get the lucrative FiT payment (well it was lucrative at 43.3p/kWh) and not the rent-a-roof company who install FOC on your roof. So no, not a dud, just a different option.

It's not the free electricity that's the problem, it's the 25yr contract on your roof space that's the issue. That wouldn't be a problem if you purchased a system outright.

dspit1664 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:04

Aha thanks for clarifying things. So if you were to buy outright selling house wouldn't be a problem it might even be a plus ie enhance value of the house ?

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:05

Quite possibly as the lucrative Feed in Tariff would stay with the installation for the remainder of the 25 years it runs for with the added benefit of some free electricity.

Philly112 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:16:06

Just to let everyone know that the Feed In Tariff rate goes up from 43.3p to 45.4p from 1st April 2012 (for eligible installations of course).

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