Cheap Energy supplier
hiI am on British Gas standared tariff for both Gas and electricity BG is ripping me off on their energy prices my quarterly bill for gas is 280 and electricity is 214, so i am looking for a cheap energy supplier for both gas and electricity ,I live in HP13 POSTCODE AREAplease some one help me to choose a right supplier;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 do you know what your actual usage is, rather than what BG are telling you ?
there are a number of switchng sites. Uswitch probably been the best know. The Money Saving Expert site has loads of info too.
Once you have your usage, have a look to see what the others charge per unit. I ind this a more reasonable way of comparison. The cheaper the unit price the better the deal. ofcourse there are always a few curve balls thrown in line standing charge or first 200 units at x and the rest at y Cheap energy?You need a time machine. Do you know how much electric those things use?!? Anyone signed up for the Which? big switch? Looks interesting though hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it:
Join The Big Switch to cut your energy bills - February - 2012 - Which? News Me neither, just signed up  I only heard about it on Saturday as I was listening to Radio4. Thought it would be of interest to everyone here.
I'm signed up, and I'm slowing getting everyone I know to sign up. I would say check your insulation, if it isn't up to spec you lose money every year.
Oh, I've signed up as well. Nizam I'd suggest you install an energy monitor in your house so that you can keep a track of your usage and thereby reduce consumption.
Also there is a good news, British Gas has reduced their electricity prices by 5%.
Check out the article below.
BBC News - British Gas and SSE announce price cuts