dangermat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:50

Join the AVForums Team on PVOutput


I know there are a few people on here who log their solar panel generation data to PVOutput.

I've created a team on there called "AVF" if anyone would like to join.

AVF team

Bring on the sunshine 

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:50

Thanks, I'll join as soon as I get up to speed...

Gerbil Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:51

I've joined. Team AVF is now 192 out of 210. Go team AVF 

At least from here the only way is up!

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:52


dangermat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:52

Team AVF has now generated 1MW!

dangermat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:52

2MWh now generated by the 3 members of Team AVF.

In March we generated as much energy as November, December, January and February combined!


robin1989 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:52

i will be joining soon - only have 2 outputs logged as my system was installed on tuesday.

ive also found in my extensive googling tonight a company called current cost and im looking to see if one of there products could be able to export my data automatically

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:52

I considered getting a Current Cost EnviR a while ago but didn't get around to it. A friend sent me this guide to setting one up so hope it can be of some use to you:

I have just set up live monitoring on PVoutput.org.

Finally got our solar system monitoring sorted with no 24-7 always on PC.


All working well.

- Current Cost's ebay shop:


£25>£20>£42 (Plus Current Cost postage).

- Check Optismarts compatibility with your Solar generation meter on: Current Cost - Reducing your energy bills so you can live a greener life

- Optismart requires the latest solar firmware put on it prior to dispatch- you have to ask them to do this.

Electric Meter:

EnviR's CT Clamp (supplied with EnviR energy monitor) connected to wireless transmitter that transmits to the EnviR.

Monitoring of household electrical consumption isnt very accurate as CT clamps cant subtract the generated solar power exported.

I am trying to find a better solution for monitoring imported electricity, which I havent found yet.

The EnviR can be bought cheaply on ebay as a Eon Home energy monitor, but check that you are buying a EnviR and not a Envi Current Cost monitor.

Pachube Monitoring Data:



0 - Temperature.

1- Household Consumption.

2- TV.

3- Fridge.

4 - Washing Machine.

5 - Solar Generation.

Datastream 0: EnviR Electricity Meter.

Datastream 1: CL Clamp On Our Electricity supply.

Datastreams 2,3 and 4 are via Current Cost IAM Wireless Electrical Monitoring Plugs, giving live data.

Datastream 5: Optismart reading live data from our solar generation meter.

robin1989 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:52

thanks for that - i emailed the current cost people as i want to monitor what we generate and what the houshold as a whole use as well as the useage of 2 or 3 specific area such as av equipment and study and computer in room. i dont think theres an easy way to monitor what you export but will see.

dangermat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:14:53


Welcome to the team!

14.2 kW generating capacity and 5.3 MWh generated so far!
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