Anyone got an in-line energy monitor?
Hey all,Looking to get a something which sits between the wall socket and a server I have running here at home.
I had a quick look online but Cannot really find anything that I am looking for - any suggestions?
Josh They are easy enough to make from a standard energy meter that you fit to the mains box.
You need a length of 3 core flex and a 13A plug and socket - an extension lead for £3 from Asda will do fine.
Carefully cut back the outer insulation until you can see the 3 coloured wires and seperate the brown (Live) wire from the rest. The energy meter clamp should be fitted around just this wire.
Note: This would not pass a PAT test as the cable would only have one layer of insulation but is safe to use in a controlled situation. Thanks mate but I would rather buy something than mess about with that! Fair enough!
How about this then ? Brennenstuhl - 1155403015 - Eco-Line 5x W.ENERGY Meter Plug-in Electricity Cost and Usage Calculator : Power and Energy Monitors : Maplin Electronics Thanks boys that was what I was after 