w3dal Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:36

MR11 LED Bulbs - where?


Fitted some lovely garden lighting at the weekend but they came supplied with halogen bulbs and looking to replace the with some LED's

they need to be 20 watt max and looking on the internet they are MR16 Bulbs.

Anyone found a trusted place them sells them at a reasonable price?


Many Thanks


The Angry Jock Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:37

I've bought (nearly) all my bulbs from here:

I bought a couple of the V7 spots for my kitchen, they are incredible, but probably way above your price range.

What I couldn't get from the above (G4 bulbs, LED strips and transformers) I got from:

They are always running discount codes, so keep an eye out - also topcashback usually do 12% rebate (today only it's 16%).

Both places have great customer service.

w3dal Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:37

Thanks very much for this fella, I'll take a look shortly 

gracedan Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:38

Hi Darren,

B&Q offers MR11 halogen bulbs, no LEDs.lighting.philips.co.uk has some beautiful MR11 LED bulbs, but they cost slightly more.lightingever.co.uk offers only 1.8W & 2W MR11 LED bulbs, with a reasonable price (£8.99)ledhut.co.uk has 1.2W, 1.8W, 2W, 2.4W MR11 LED bulbs, at low prices (£5-9)You could take a look at them, I usually go to these sites when I need to replace my bulbs. and they are all trusted in my experience. hope it helps.

w3dal Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:38

Thanks very much, I managed to source some from amazon in the end.

But will book mark these for future
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