paulr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:17

The economics of a village installing a wind turbine?

Totally off the wall idea, but can anyone shed any light on the idea of a village clubbing together to install a wind turbine.
How much do they cost
What sort of KWh does a normal house use
What sort of KWh does a turbine generateunder average wind conditions, ie how many homes would a turbine feed.

Any thoughts?

paulr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:17

Depends on the size of the wind turbine. The largest is 6 MW.

Average home uses 1 kW. If you assume that wind is present 50% of the time, than the 6 MW turbine produces on the average 3MW.

3 MW / 1 kW = 3000 homes.

A rough cost is 3 million for a 6mw turbine. That's £1000 per home, plus maintenance.

I think?

SteveCritten Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:18

I am pretty sure the pay back from the government FIT is phenomenal for these. It will pay back in 10 years. Check out ICE energy website.

amcluesent Publish time 26-11-2019 04:10:19

Desperate villagers turn to wind to cut energy bills- Telegraph
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