Flipper Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:16

Flushing a toilet with rain water

Anyone installed a toilet using rainwater to fill the cistern? Given the impending hosepipe band coming in the SE soon I am thinking of purchasing a large (800L) water tank to be filled from the roof downpipe.

The tank would be situated close to the outside wall of our downstairs loo so it gave me the idea of converting the loo to run off the rainwater tank and the mains when/if the tank is empty.

Looking at the calc's I don't think I will be saving a great deal of money but thought it would be a nice little project to work on 

John Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:17

unless you're on a water meter you wont be saving any money 

Flipper Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:18

That's kind of the point, I am on a water meter.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:19

Presumably something like this to pump the water?

Surpresseur Sp900s, STERWINS, réservoir de 25L, 3600 L/h | Leroy Merlin

I keep meaning to get one for our loos here, but I have the luxury of a well to feed it from.It would be a double whammy for me, because not only do they charge for delivering water to the house, the sewerage charge is based on the amount consumed.So I would save on water and sewage charges.

Flipper Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:20

Something like that.
I found one on this site

Pumps And Irrigation :: Water Butts Direct

which is a bit expensive. I also found one on a Screwfix flyer recently.

This project is on hold at the moment due to 2 expensive vet bills for my cats 

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:21

The cats are worth it!

I couldn't work out exactly which pump you would choose.The advantages of having one with a reservoir is that it gives a much more even pressure.Just a pump between the water butt and the loo may well result in too much pressure causing damage when the stop cock engages.

Flipper Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:22

I know but now I'm skint!

I was looking at the "3P Technik Garden Steelpump" which has the auto switch on when the tap is opened.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:23

The pump I have with my caravan will work either on a microswitch or auto switch (on pressure drop) on demand.I wonder if that would work with a loo ball valve?

Only about £30 if I recall.If you're interested I'll try and find out which one it is...

Flipper Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:23


IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:09:24

New they seem to be more than I remember but how about:

Whale watermaster inlet with Reich submersible pump | eBay

I don't know whether it would be suitable for extended domestic use, but you could at least test proof of concept.You'd need to be able to supply it with 12V though.

Alternatively this is a pressure switch and you could attach any caravan 12V pump to it.


New one on buy it now here: Whale Grooved Pressure Switch WU7207 | eBay
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