External wall insulation
I cant believe how expensive this is. Currently in Derby the council are fitting it to council houses (not sure if its free) and a few places they will fit it to home owners for 2k which includes a brand new condensing boiler.I think its an excellent price but when I phoned them up they said they arent doing it in my area 
I had an independent company come out who wanted to charge 9k 
I'm currently insulating the inside of my solid walls but only 2" as I do want some room left in my house. I was told some forms of insulation are free. Which ones are those then? Could you advise me perhaps?
I've been sleeping with 2-3 jumpers on recently and trust me even that doesn't always work. But turning on the heater at all hours is too expensive. So I've been looking for ways to increase energy efficiency of my house without any major expenses.
Apparently, walls, roof, doors, windows -- EVERYTHING loses heat!!! But there are ways to insulate them.
Do you have any ideas/advice/tips?
John Perhaps if you tried sleeping with a nice warm woman instead of a trio of Kangaroos, you would have more luck? Well said, sir, well said *nods head vigorously* Airtightness is just as important as insulation. If you have a super insulated wall and the window open (or sizeable gaps and drafts), the cold air is going to still get in. There is some very good advice at the below link if you want to learn more. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the web site, I have only used the information for planning my own project.
Warmer Homes | Green DIY & self-build | Green specification | Green Building Store I have been looking into this myself with interest over the last few days, It seems there isn't much information out there with regards to retrofitting exterior insulation. I have seen some examples online but never any to a semi detached property.
I think the problem getting air tightness is a minefield with older houses as there is so much to seal. I hear that floor joists are amongst the worst.
My house hovers at 10c without the heating on and its terrible, we have cavity wall and 200mm loft insulation too.
Had a bill of £156 for a months usage of gas, I nearly died.
Its something i'd like the government to get on with more than they are at the minute as we are way behind on the technology as per. Agreed, its only homes with cavity walls that the government seem to want to help. Even though solid walls loose a lot more heat no help is given.
The prices private companies charge is pathetic. Ive been looking in to this as well, has anyone looked in to the green deal/eco grants?
Green Deal ECO Grants | Wethertex I'll be looking at that, good find  It can be done just as easily on semis and terraces as on low and high rise blocks if flats