Temperature and power monitoring for dispute with housing association
Basically, I need real help for a housing association dispute over an air source heat pump. What I want to do is log the indoor and outdoor temperature of my house and both the power usage of the whole house and the heat-pump itself. If I can, I would like to do this all from one device that does not have subscriptions and doesn't cost too much. Can anyone help? Don't know where to find one of those but I know badly fitted ones can be poor. Try this Common problems with Air Source Heat Pumps | YouGen Blog | YouGen, Renewable Energy Made Easy Unfortunately I have no option on moving or replacing it myself. If it had come to installing one I would have gone with the recommendation of several of the engineers I have spoken to and bought a gas boiler. As it is the housing association has sent me a letter saying they can find no fault with the system. This is rather like the hamster wheel powering your car 'works as expected'.Any ideas on how I can monitor the temperature and power consumption? I don't have long before winter hits properly to get it installed. An owl intuition might fit the bill - it monitors electric usage and has a second sensor for solar production but that should work to show power the heat pump is using.
It stores the info on the cloud and viewable for no subscription. Thanks! Do they do anything for monitoring the temperature inside and out? At the moment the main thing is to show that the system does not provide consistent heat throughout the winter. You would be best with a weather station that connects to the web for the temps. i think there may be a longstanding member with a similar if not exact same problem.
I will have a little ponder .......................
nope, can't find it
@shahedz was moving into a place with one a couple of years ago, but he didn't post about issues .
Maybe I dreamt moderated it  lol, maybe.
I don't suppose anyone has any recommendations on weather stations that can log temprature data inside and out and download it to a computer? There was a thread in GC about weather stations, IIRC
Weather stations | AVForums maybe i didn't @Daddy k
Has anyone got any experience of thermodynamic solar panels? | AVForums