SteveCritten Publish time 26-11-2019 04:08:34

It depends on how much it's costing you mate, with the new feed in tariff of 16p you need the system under £5K to make it worthwhile.

Gareth45 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:08:34

That might be hard to achieve as looking at pany panels with sunny boy inverter don't want any problems these have the best guarantee and reviews maybe there is not enough return against out lay missed the boat as had the money but we where unsure if we where moving home so did not invest @ 43p

SteveCritten Publish time 26-11-2019 04:08:35

Ouch, I would have still done it and negotiated to keep the panels in the sale .

Try these mate they seem to be most bang for buck Kyocera KD245GX-LPB 245 Watt Solar Panel Datasheet of Specification, Dimensions & Warranties
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