new boiler and unvented cylinder quote !! ?? !!
Just looking to get some estimates in for replacing our old boiler/cold water/immersion tank with a new condensing boiler and unvented cylinder to be fitted in the loft ... mentally thought £800 for worcester bosch greenstar 18i, around £700 for plain unvented 150l tank up to £1200 for system-fit Megaflo, around £500 for pipes and stuff and maybe £1-1500 for labour ... VATLocal approved WB plumber has just quoted £5500 VAT !!
Anything I should read in to that - my prices are from recognisable plumber merchant/web searches so figure trade might be even cheaper but think nearly £7k is a bit much...
Be happy for any plumbers out there to jump in and put me back in my box but want to know if I'm being wildly optimistic ?
TIA Not a plumber but carried out renovation works. IMO with major work like that its best to go for three quotes and ask for a breakdown of costs.
If you tot up your figures it comes to £4700 VAT, so the local plumber quote of £5500 VAT is not far off! Am getting other quotes now ! ... as I'd already allowed £1500 I just thought that another grand on top of that for labour was excessive for effectively moving a boiler vertically up two floors ! Ah - you are dealing with plumbers! 
Fitting a boiler is easy for these guys (as long as there are no difficulties with walls etc) but pipework can be a problem. Ripping out old pipes and installing new to match in with an existing system can be tricky, especially when heaving up floorboards and chasing into walls. This is where the expense creeps up.
Best wait for the other quotes. Does it include a power flush of the existing system? Second quote's arrived - £6k vat ... so in the same ball park - have to save a few more pennies !
Thanks for comments folks