Electricity usage monitor
What would you suggest for checking which devices in my house are using the most electricity?Do you have to check each one individually - ie does it monitor the electric usage of an item that's physically plugged into it? Something like this will tell you how much an individual item is costing you . Something like an Owl or other such device when set up correctly tell you how much the whole house is costing.I have an Owl although I signed up yesterday for Npowers new meter
My dishwasher is on at the moment and am currently spending around 22p/hr . The house idles at around 2.5p per hour. £220/yr doing nothing //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif I'm with npower and they offered a free smartpower meter which I applied for sometime ago. It arrived yesterday and so far so good. The blooming dryer waps the usage up, but surprising the washer seems quite efficient.
Definitely useful so far, if you're with npower, look into it. Anyone had an e.on smart meter installed? If so, any thoughts on it?
I've this week received a letter giving me the option of having one but don't know whether to bother If it wasn't going to cost me anymore, or I could get an even cheaper tariff to swap . I would.
Its a bit of a no brainer really. everyone will have one eventually