Stuart Wright Publish time 26-11-2019 04:06:28

Be careful if replacing MR16 spotlights with LEDs

I just spent the best part of £40 on 4 good quality 5 watt MR16 LEDs and fitted them in our downstairs toilet.Flicked the switch and the fuse blew.Short of it is that one of the transformers has blown so no lights in there until the electrician visits.   Access to the space above the ceiling is difficult, having to go via a removable roof panel in the adjacent garage.
Called the electrician.He said that MR16 transformers (which are about a fiver on Amazon) can't always cope with the lower power LEDs.We were luckier in one bathroom where 5 of them went in no problem.
He advised to remove the transformers and run mains to new GU10 sockets instead.So got to spend another £40 on good GU10s and can't return the MR16s as the external body is always scratched when inserting into the holder.
So before replacing MR16s with LEDs, be prepared for problems if a transformer blows.And I would consider replacing the MR16s with GU10s.

Rodders53 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:06:29


I'd suggest fitting a LED compatible transformer/power supply... as you already have all the wiring, and fittings in place.

Must be cheaper than new wiring, new light fittings and new bulbs (even if electrician labour cost to change is similar - and it ought not to be)... and you get to use those leds you just bought!

blankscreen Publish time 26-11-2019 04:06:29

looking on the 'bright side', you won't likely need that awkward access panel any more .

i bought 2 LED spots that each had there own built in transformer and fitting from B&Q recently, they were special @ £8, but i think they were about £16 normally, and only available in the super stores.

As now you need to spend £80 surely this a better deal deal surely?

LV426 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:06:30

Just needs a transformer with a low power rating figure that's low enough.B&Q sell them, even.(eg 0 - 105W).Been using one (an 0-50 in fact; they are cheaper) for several months to run 4 x assorted 12 LEDs, no issue.
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