Calor Gas Canister, how to tell if its near empty ?
I have a gas BBQ and have a 13KG calor gas canister of propane. The gauge on it indicated it was empty ages ago yet it keeps on firing up. If I had taken it back and exchanged it for a full one I would not have got full use out of it. From what I have managed to find out the gauges do show empty prematurely.If memory serves me well I think I should have weighed the full canister when I first got it and then when it weighs 12.75KGs less I would know it was nearly expired. I didnt know that when I got it.
Does anyone know what a full 13KG canister weighs?
Is there a way you can tell its nearly on its last legs ? Weigh the cylinder and subtract the 'Tare Weight' (stamped on the alloy disc around the neck in large numbers)...(You'll need to convert the lb oz tare weight figures into kg.)
The difference between the two is the weight of gas remaining.
You can get a 'feel' for how much gas is left by picking it up ans 'sloshing' the liquid around.
The indicator is to allow you to get a spare empty cylinder refilled in time. A match?
disclaimer - this is not by any means real advice , I'd go with what Rodders said... far more sensible