Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:50
Wow, I've only used 12500 units of electricity in 4 years, and only had PV for two of those.
I actually used more gas than you last year, about 1000 units (or around 11,000kWh).
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:51
Just checked and my electric usage is about the same as my gas. Elec was 6093 kwh and gas was 6466 kwh. So your elec is a lot lower than mine Stephenc.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:51
we are now about £40 a month on our electricity...and to date this year we have used 2300 KWH...
WE also have EDFs ECO 20:20 which means our evenings are 20% cheaper than our day so has worked surprisingly well for us
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:51
As yet no PV installed, 3 bed bungalow Essex. Gas heating Electric Cooking, we budget pay EDF £100.00 pcm
I find utility co's enjoy upping my DD every opertunity stating i'm paying to little, we i like to little personally. Sometimes we are in debit other times in credit, now thats why i yse a budget payment si the payments are known ahead, to smoth out any shock use, not suddenly being charged a couple if hundred quid and leaving me skint.
At one stage with we were over £490.00 in credit going into summer- the provider wanted to up the DD??? So fed uo we switched.
Don't under budget, but don't let providers bully you .
Surprisingly they are thought to be expensive to run, but proove.cheaper than washing up by hand (good news fir us guys), we tried it to prove the point and our electric use went up.
We will soak oven tray equipment, frying pans then usually complete the wash by hand, as they take up a lot of room. We rinse off plates, dishes and cutlery before parking it inside, this stops the smells and blocking of filters (because we only put it on when full or gets stinky).
No point buying super duper multicoloured wonder sachets, you can't alter the dosage for light or half loads. We use Finish liquid, excellent with no powder residue, mainly because we got it in the local 99p store after we could not get ASDA powder, grabbing 10 bottles
has to be best we ever used for good results in short cycles, prior to that we used ASDA own make dishwasher powder, found that extremely good for a cheap budget product and will be happy go back to it once the Finish deal runs out.
Remember modern dishwashers are cold fill, so use within your generating cycle, yet to see one with a delay start timer. Our Bosche is push button electronic so doubt if i could set it to on, then use an external time clock to delay it when i do get Solar PV.
Mystery Man
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:51
£55 on electricity and £58 on gas per month. This is a detached three bedroom house with two adults and a baby. Gas seems high compared to others which I am surprised at. Has heating and gas cooker being used.
Mystery Man
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:52
3,103kwh elec used in a year costing £460 is that a lot?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:52
We pay £33.00 a month for gas & elec,checked my reading every month and send them of to eon.Last month (November) worked out we used £17.40 elec and £3.40 gas,2 bed semi with wood burning insert stove & 8 300Wh
solar panels.
Works for me !!!!!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:52
our supplier EDF likes to send out letters saying we are not budgeting enough in our monthly payments and try to increase them, even when we are way into credit in sumer months. i exsplain it is budget over 12 months which means we will be in both deficit and credit over the year, not month by month.
my advice is don't get bullied!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:53
Interesting how nobody quotes what rate they are paying just the amount they are paying p/m
My job is energy efficiency so my day to day is what kWh rates people are paying and how they use it, typical domestic should be 13 to 15p/kWh commercial 9.5 to 11p/kWh gas 3.2p to 4p kWth
Ways to cut bills in the order you should be looking at them according to payback,
Turn things off
Energy efficiency - lighting LED swap out etc
New boiler particularly if your boiler is over 10 yrs old
Biomass boiler if your on oil or LPG
Insulation - Cavity wall, Double Glazing
On site Generation - Solar PV
That said there is a good argument for doing the solar or biomass first and then use the money that it generates to pay for the other works.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:02:53
half the problem of knowing exactely how much your actually paying per Kw is the complex method used to determing the usage charges that are seed calculated from the meter readings.