[email protected]/png/64/263a.png . Power cycle means turned off and on
Help. Please I have installed the owl intuition the prob I have is I can see what I am using eletric from the online appbut my Pv solar is not showing
Still delighted with mine, but a long while since I looked at the installation detail.
I found their support very responsive and helpful, have you tried them?
Very unlike my experience with OWL (question regarding their heating control system after spending £200 on system)
"Your request (7899) has been solved.
Please contact a qualified heating engineer for domestic heating.
All of the wiring diagrams are available in the manual, all I can do is refer you to them as we are not qualified electricians/heating engineers here either."
I can see how he can close 25 calls per day . . . . . . . .
System 4 out of 5, Support 0 out of 5.
Hi, wonder if anyone has any ideas.I had solar fitted Nov 14 along with Owl Intuition.Ive had no problems with it, in fact the opposite until lately. I noticed my heating is firing up at times that arent programmed, and at stupid oclock in the morning. The temp in my house was around 10degrees when it switches the heating on. Also when i log on the figures for generating and exporting are zero which are impossible when its been a sunny day and the meter has been telling me otherwise.Anyone had any similar probs? Thanks
Since I have had the owl intuition pv installed everything was fine . The prob started last week . When I generate more solar power my eletric goes up as well . So if I am generate 2,500kw my energy used will be about the same help please
I think that's one of the issues described in the manual, if I remember correctly it means you've got one of the sensors on the cables the wrong way round
We're currently trying to choose a monitoring system for our new PV install, anyone know of anything new around now that is a better option?
We found another system by Efergy that seems to be similar but Owl seems to be a little better
Since I have had the owl intuition pv installed everything was fine . The prob started last week . When I generate more solar power my eletric goes up as well . So if I am generate 2,500kw my energy used will be about the same help please
Twin, i had my instalation Thursday the 3rd and my consumption also records an increase in line with solar generation.
I've read the manual and swapped the clamp 180' but the problem remains.
I've fired off a support request, but no response as yet.
Did you get yours fixed and what did you do to fix it.
Getting panels fitted in October and looking for a system to monitor generation/usage. Any recent feedback welcome...
After my wife read the instructions I realise that the green network owl light doing single blip means it is running but not connected to the server. Triple blip indicates that. Power cycled the network owl - no improvment. Power cycled the router and it all came online and shows the expected figures https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joypixels/