FaxFan2002 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:58:29

Where to install efergy monitor?


Any ideas where the hell to connect the efergy - in the picture the green or the big thick black don't work                                                                                                                                         /proxy.php?image=http://http://i944.photobucket.com/albums/ad283/faxfan2005/IMG_1096.jpg&hash=6fecffccbbf9c0b4877341143a926eb1       


Rodders53 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:58:30

Clip it round either of the two grey wires... the one with brown tape is Live to the consumer unit the one with blue, Neutral.   I'd pick live, but it really does not matter which one.
You currently have it on the Earth cable which should never carry any current under normal conditions.

The thick black is the incoming supply and has both live and neutral in it so balances out the current being measured by the transformer in the clip... they split just under the electricity board's fuse and neutral block... but fit it on YOUR side of the meter as I've suggested above.

FaxFan2002 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:58:31

Top man, thank you very much!
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