Wet underfloor heating design
I don't suppose anyone here can do UFH designs for beer tokens or just because they like doing this sort of stuff?Full house redo
Ground floor UFH throughout and one towel rad in the shower room.
First floor rads, UFH and towel rads in ensuite and bathroom.
Second floor possible rads, UFH and towel rads in ensuite.
Vaillant 637 boiler and isoSTOR 260 (both new) unvented system will be in the utility.
Thanks in advance,
Sam Contact speedfit they offer a free design layout in the hope that you will buy the stuff from them, as a lot of plumbers (including myself ) are very green in the area. You just need to spend them your plans and they will do the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if Hep20 and Ploy Plumb also offer the service, i would certainly expect Hep20 to.