DOBLY Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:33

Tesla Solar Roof Tiles / Powerwall

Has anyone gone down this road - any news as to the timing / cost of this?I know that in the UK there is a refundable 800GBP charge to start a roof order, plus another 400 for each Powerwall - has anyone actually gone for it yet?
When we build, this the sort of thing that we intend to use - whenever this may be.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:34

Clever, very clever
I've got integrated solar panels, but nothing like that. Is integrated not an option for you then? I shudder to think how much the fitting cost would be but would be very interested to know how the efficiency/product levels compare to standard panels

DOBLY Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:35

Our current house will need re-roofing (slates) at some point - not sure how many years time though, but I was more thinking for the next house, which we intend to build.
Current house isn't ideal for solar, as the roof surfaces point east & west.....
Are your integrated solar panels also the roof, in other words, how integrated are they?
Any pictures you can share?

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:35

Here you go, a picture is worth a 1000 words 

As you can see, the panels are the roof. I was more interested in performance than appearance, so I didn't op for the all black version that you can get

DOBLY Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:36

Our house is 127 years old - the slates are fixed directly to the roof structure (such as it is) - when you go into the loft and look up, you see the underside of the slates! It works, but isn't exactly solid - the bits of wood that each row of slates is nailed to are very spindly indeed, certainly no sufficient to attach solar panels to.....

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:37

They strip my roof and fitted new battens/felt when they fitted the panels, even if you just had a new slate roof fitted they would still do that. If you had the panels fitted over your current slates (which i wouldn't recommend) they can attach the panel supports to the main joists of the roof which will be solid.

Leaving aside the fact that i wanted integrated panels from the start. It actually worked out cheaper to have the roof stripped and panels fitted (not counting panel costs), than it did to have the roof strip and redone in new tiles, let alone panels then added on top.

I wouldn't worry about your house being east/west as there are advantages to that (assuming you have the roof space) as you will get solar generation through out the day and more of it when you need it, just to a lower level at any one time.

Mine face due south so I get little power in the morning and evening when I want it the most, where as an east/west setup would give me more power then when i wanted it the most. OK i have battery storage so it doesn't much matter, but if i didn't then i would personally prefer an east/west setup

spinaltap Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:38

I live in a conservation area, so solar tiles/slates are the only option.

Solar Century offer such products, as do Solarmass.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:39

I thought you where allowed to fit the all black panels (possibly need to be integrated) as that way it matched the slates? Never lived in a conservation area so you would know more than me. Just something I heard
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