Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:52:59

Recommed Make of Battery for Storage System

I currently have 12x 2v 618 ah traction storage batteries from an unknown make (Italian i think) that are failing fast after nearly 3 years of use. I have my suspicions as to why, but as it can never be proved they are just that.

I don't know how much longer they will last for, but having measured the Specific Gravity of them and getting a 66 to 75% charge capacity result, they are on their last legs. So i was wondering if anyone has any recommend makes to check out.

The replacement batteries have to be Lead Flooded or AGM, Lithium Batteries aren't supported by my inverter, and i have no wish to change it when it is still under warranty.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:00

Can't answer your question,but I have been looking at battery storage options. It was prompted by EON who have just sent me an e mail saying they can sell and install a system.
But the price!!!!!
Solar and battery storage starts from £7,495Solar panels start from £4,495Battery retrofit starts from £4,495Even on ebay a Lithium 4.75kWh battery is £4900.

They say the Lithium lasts a lot longer and can cycle many more times.

Will that kind of investment ever pay for itself?

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:53:01

With lithium batteries probably never, however with lead acid which are half the price you might stand a chance, but it's still touch and go. A lot more hassle with lead acid of course, but that doesn't bother me.

The scary thing for me is how much prices have dropped in 3 years as the price you listed for lithium is what I paid for lead acid 3 years back 

Prices need to come down a lot more before it will make financial sense, but then for me it was only ever partly about the money. Solar panels by themselves are worthless to me during the day, but getting that power at night is worth some. Financially no, principal wise yes. Plus never having to worry about a power cut again is rather nice 
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