Owl energy monitor software alternatives
I've just bought a Owl energy monitor and the usb software for monitoring usage. The software is rubbish, does anyone know of an alternative software that can ne used in conjunction with the Owl system. I agree, it really is shocking (had I known I definitely wouldn't have bought the USB connect).The live usage being limited to a span of 2 minutes is pathetic (I want 10 or 30 mins or, better still, user settable) and the software is not exactly "intuitive".
I can never get it to connect and have difficulty telling when it finally does actually make the connection. There is no way I am going to go outside to the electric box and push the "Check" button every time I want it to work (which seems to be the suggestion built into the software)! Ditto - I wouldn't have paid money for this if I'd known how poor the software is...
Interestingly, I was just go to see if there was any new developments happening with it on the official OWL site forums but they seem to have disappeared?? I found an old link: OWL | Forum • Index page
But the forums have been locked: OWL | Forum • View topic - The Forums Have been Closed and Locked
However, see the last post here: OWL | Forum • View topic - OWL USB Connect
There is talk of updated software and also an API. I'm emailing them now to find out more... This my first post on AV Forums so Hello to everyone.
I have just been bought an OWL USB Connect and like everyone else is saying, it really isn't too good in terms of software design.I got in touch with OWL and they got back to me very quickly with an e-mail saying that the forums had been closed (I wonder why?) and an attachment with the API (the full source code) to get started with your own front-end design.Now I'm no programmer, but with the help of Google I managed to compile the source code and get the results that the instructions from OWL said I should.
I have a friend who is a .NET programmer and I am trying to persuade him to help me out programming something a bit more intuitive and user friendly.If I get anywhere with this little project I'll post here and let you know.
Andy Hi, didn't do any searches before ordering the OWL USB connect, am now stuck with a pretty but useless device.2 mins logging - big wow!
Did you get anywhere with your API?
Glyn. Hi Tommo25,
Yes managed to get my brother-in-law interested.He's shown me how to tweak it to output to a text file and to a Google Chart.Google Charts (Google it!) come in all shapes and sizes, but he's used the line graph and made the API generate an output to show usage over time and not just two minutes either.
Now I don't know much about programming and when I get more time to play with it, I will.But just looking for the Google Charts has thrown up a very exciting looking project from Google.Have a look at this
Google PowerMeter
I don't think they do it for the Owl yet, but I would think that a little bit of pressure in the right places might yield some good results.
Best regards,
Andy Apparently the API does not work with Windows 7 and an API release is due at the end of the month (end of May?) to enable use with Windows 7 & Home Server (according to OWL support).
Also this maybe of interest ...
Log data from your OWL energy monitor on your PC via a USB connect device
electricowl | Get electricowl at SourceForge.net
It did not work for me but then I have Windows 7 ...  The "electric owl server" was easily fixed by recompiling for a 32 bit environment.I have the server and client running under my 64 bit Windows 7 and am happy to send you the server (which is all you need) by email.Its only 13 kb when compiled so tiny!It looks like the api.dll file is 32 bit only and the application was compiled to assume that any 32 or 64 bit environment was OK.Setting the application to know the dll was 32 bit only solved the issue. The 32 bit dll file runs just fine under Windows 7 x64.
I have my OWL posting my energy use to my always on home server, through which I have set up an external port and can watch my power consumption from anywhere on the planet.
Cool That would be great!