Cheap variable tariffs?
So the timeHas come for me to leave npower.
They have always been quite competitive but now they are not.
So my question is regarding variable tariffs, like outfox. Has anyone gone this route? I can basically save £20pm this way or fix for a year and save about £15pm.
Just wondering how much the variable tariffs tend to change?
Thanks Had a good look around and gone with Outfox!
Good reviews and I like the fact it's clean energy, I paid more to npower for part clean energy out of choice.
Now waiting for horror stories of the choice I have made  Hi
I've been with Outfoxthemarket since Nov 17 on a variable tariff and can give you my feedback. Customer service is a bit hit & miss, not the best in the world but not the worst. Make sure you give energy readings 1 day before your bill is produced each month, otherwise they will take estimated readings which can be way off and may put your account into a significant negative balance. With OTM I'm now paying around 45 quid a month for both gas & electric (low user), previously it was 60 notes a month with Flow Energy so can't complain too much. They're probbably better than the other bargain basement energy providers such as Solarplicity, OurPower Energy etc Thanks,
A few cheaper options were available, But they were either new or had poor CS ratings.
Only thing I had not thought of is no smart meter with outfox i guess?
Cheers! Hi
OFTM have told me they're hoping to offer smart meters "sometime in 2018", though no idea if they'll be the newer SMETs2 type. Stay away from the current SMETs1 type meters as the smart functionality on them stops working if you change energy providers. Personally I'm more than happy with my standard meters. Thanks,
I was just thinking it would be easier if they get reads via the meter, 3rd world problems eh?
Cheers! Joining these idiots was a big big mistake, Pretty sure they will go under early next year.
Since joining in June they have increased payments 4 times and now will be taking a standing charge instead of a membership fee which works out at double the cost.
Quoted me a total cost of £887 a year in June based on my previous history, Now it is £1250!
Avoid these at all costs  All suppliers have either significantly increased rates or are just about to put rates up, so it seems we’ve all got to get used to paying significantly more for our energy this winter.
With the failure of several suppliers this year it does seem like its hard to remain profitable when margins are low and wholesale energy prices are volatile or increasing rapidly. My worry is that before long the smaller “cheaper” suppliers will either go under or be bought out by the bigger suppliers leading to much less competition in the market. I do understand this, But it's the way they have done things that causes most concern.
Increasing my monthly DD to double what it is now for the next 6 months just makes its all even worse. There was me expecting a small increase but it's gone up over 40% 
I believe the wholesale price makes up around 40% of a bill, So that tells me they are suggesting wholesale energy has increased 100% if you look at it in very basic terms. Looking at the ofgem charts it appears to have increased less than 15% since I joined...... 
I know very little about the subject but assume small companies operate on a far lower cost, so the wholesale price may make up 60% of the bill, But even then it seems a very large increase to me.