Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:08

Wind Turbine, has anyone got one?

In about 3 to 6 months time I will be moving to Shrewsbury and I was thinking about having solar panels again, but now I am leaning towards going for a pole mounted wind turbine. Has anyone got one on here that could give an opinion on how good or bad they are in reality?

bardel Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:09

No, but interested just the same...

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:10

Tried posting in a few different forums without joy and pretty much given up on the idea  as despite contacting a few installer and chasing, none have come back with a price or options.

Due to how much the feed in rate has dropped, from a financial view they no longer add up, so I think they view it as it being a pointless quote. Even though I made clear that wasn’t a factor for me.

Given the lack of interest and that were I was planning on moving into is likely to be delayed for 12 months, I’m now looking at building a passive bungalow instead which I will just cover with solar panels.

bardel Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:11

Bizarre situation isn’t it?I guess for the majority, a turbine in an urban back garden isn’t going to work or be desirable.But not everyone is in an urban location!

I’ve put a 25kW solar array in my garden end of November last year.Granted we haven’t been through a summer yet, but a wind turbine would have probably been more beneficial to us at this point!

With the projected power shortages in years to come I really don’t follow why the FIT is being cut in the way it is...

Oh well batteries next (when they are more economically priced).

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:12

Currently got lead acid batteries on my current install and must confess I’m torn on whether I would go for them again. At a 4 to 5 year life span they don’t last long compared to lithium, but boy are they cheap.

There another thing that financial doesn’t add up at the moment. I would say that I have broken even at best. But for me, maximising the solar usage and having battery back up when power cuts happen is worth a lot.

What’s your solar generation in winter?

bardel Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:13

Only been installed since 30th November 2018.Here's the graphs of production thus far.


Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:14

Wow, now that is impressive 

I assume you needed planning permission for such an install? The amount generated in the winter months would easily cover the charging of battery packs.

bardel Publish time 26-11-2019 03:48:14

Yes I did need planning permission, delayed me by about 6 months because our council couldn't work out what to classify it as!

It's been performing very well I would say, unfortunately, since our usage is anywhere between 85 and 130 kWh a day, there's not always anything left for batteries, particularly on an overcast day.

With that said, I think by the end of February, we were harvesting enough total power in 1 day to cover our entire usage for the day, but I would need around 60kWh of battery storage to make proper use of it....

In the summer, I expect to have power coming out of my ears, but the air conditioning will be on full and I'll try to find some in-efficient heaters for the kids paddling pool. 
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